Tips for Handling Acute Pain at Home

People trying to find a great low back pain doctor near themselves are often only suffering from acute pain that can be managed at home. The good news is that you should be able to avoid major treatments if you take proper steps from home. Below, the folks from Performance Pain have some tips for you to consider while treating your acute pain from home. 1. Rest the Affected Body Part The first thing that you will need to do while treating your acute pain is to not use the affected body part as much as possible. If your ankle is where the pain is coming from, then stay off it for a while! If you work your injured body part too much, then you will only contribute to potentially making things worse. 2. Use Ice for Inflammation One of the best ways to control inflammation from acute pain is to use ice. If your affected area is experiencing high levels of inflammation, try to ice it for 15-20 minutes two to three times a day. 3. Monitor Progress As you are stay...