How Performance Pain Handles Chronic Knee Pain

If you are looking for great knee pain therapy in Lawrenceville NJ, then Performance Pain is a wonderful solution to consider. Below, we will break down a little more about who we are and what we do here. Specifically, in terms of how we handle our clients that come in with chronic knee pain.

1. We Need to See You First To gauge the intensity of your chronic knee pain and to avoid the need for surgery and long healing periods, we will need to see you in person right away. This is the only way that we can understand exactly what is going on with your knee and how to prepare a treatment plan.

2. Consultation is Free Before you ever pay us a dime here at Performance Pain, you will not be forced into paying upfront. We want to see the condition first and know without a doubt that our treatment will best suit your needs. For this reason, our initial consultation is free.

3. Physical Therapy is Often Best In many cases of chronic knee pain, we can handle the condition with physical therapy. Here at Performance Pain, we have expert physical therapists that work with chronic knee pain all the time. If this isn’t the best treatment, we still have other options!

4. Non-Invasive Procedures are Available Whether or not you need to visit our Princeton NJ stem cell therapy center is a matter that depends on the level of intensity of your condition. Therefore, non-invasive procedures such as stem cell therapy might not be considered until other options are tried first.

5. Client Needs & Comfort Come First Here at Performance Pain, the needs and wishes of our clients always come first. Therefore, if you are ever worried about something while working with us, you are always safe and encouraged to discuss these things with your doctor.

Ready to Come in for a Pain Intervention? If you want to receive the best quality chronic pain care available in the state of New Jersey, Performance Pain should be one of your top choices. In addition to knee pain, we also have a neck pain doctor West Windsor NJ and professionals of all relevant niches in the medical industry at our disposal.


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