5 Unique Service Features of Performance Pain

Looking for a pain management doctors in Raritan NJ that really knows what they are doing? Look no further than Performance Pain. We are a top-tier pain clinic and for good reason! Below, we will cover 5 service features that make us stand out from other pain clinics. 


1. Free Consultation

Don’t you hate when you visit a doctor and their first concern is how to get in your wallet? So do we, and we actually work in the medical industry! We understand that the patient and their health is the most important concern. Therefore, we won’t charge you during our initial consultation.

2. Comprehensive Chronic Pain Treatment

While many pain clinics focus their attention on one or two types of chronic pain, Performance Pain is proud to handle all sorts of chronic pain. From head to toe, we have treatment plans and a range of expert specialists at our disposal. This is almost like going to one of the top hospitals with specialists of all crafts available.

3. No Hard Pain Medication

In case you didn’t know, pain medication actually doesn’t solve chronic pain. It only provides temporary relief of the pain. Not to mention, it also comes along with many unpredictable side effects. For these reasons, we don’t give our patients pain medication unless absolutely necessary.

4. No Invasive Surgeries

Although surgery has long been a great way to fight many types of conditions and even provide long-term relief, it comes with a cost. In addition to heavy financial fees come long healing times. Since non-invasive surgeries can often have the same (or better) results than invasive surgery, we avoid doing invasive surgeries.

5. Only the Best of the Best Technology is Used

You simply should not trust a low back pain doctor near me that doesn’t use current technology. The world of medicine is constantly improving and becoming better. Doctors that are stuck with older technology like what we find at many local hospitals and urgent care centers simply cannot compete well with Performance Pain

Ready to Come in For a Pain Intervention?

If you have been searching around for pain management doctors near me that can get your condition in check without hard medication or surgeries, then Performance Pain is a great clinic to check out. Come stop by today for a free consultation!


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