
Showing posts from August, 2020

Tips for Handling Chronic Thigh Pain

Many of the people seeking out pain management doctors in Raritan NJ have chronic thigh pain. This type of chronic pain can come from many different conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, injury, and so on. Below, the folks from Performance Pain have prepared some tips for helping you handle your chronic thigh pain.  1. Use Ice & Heat Packs Hot packs and ice packs are a great way to fight problems that can come along with chronic pain. Hot packs help to increase your blood flow and restore movement to any injured tissues. Ice packs, on the other hand, will be very helpful for you while you are trying to fight inflammation or simply get some relief. 2. Keep Your Weight Off of it! Although you may not be able to completely stay off your legs all day, this is one of the steps that you can take to ensure that the body can heal itself. If you put a strain on the thigh area, you can sometimes make things worse. 3. Lose Some Extra Weight Since chronic pain i...

Tips for Avoiding Injury While Playing Sports

Many of the people that want to find a nice pain management doctors near me are athletes that need to recover fast and get back on the field for their next game. By this point, though, they are often told that they will need to sit out the whole season and rest. For this reason, we need to look at some tips for avoiding injury prepared by the pain specialists over at Performance Pain.  1. Remember that One Injury Can Ruin A Lot If you get injured, it can often be a huge turning point for you and your career as an athlete. In some cases, it can even ruin your entire career as an athlete or change it forever. Therefore, it’s important to keep this in mind at all times when you are engaging in a sport. Especially ones that are very physical. 2. Use All Proper Protective Gear If you are playing a contact sport like football, many players will opt out of wearing things like knee pads, cups, thigh pads, and so on. This can be one of the riskiest things you can do as an ...

Tips for Doing Physical Therapy on Chronic Pain

Many of the people seeking sciatica treatment doctors Hamilton NJ will end up needing to do some physical therapy. If you are new to physical therapy, though, this might be a pretty stressful thing for you to anticipate. Below, we have some tips for you to reference while preparing physical therapy for your chronic pain.      1. Know this is Not an Overnight Process Getting physical therapy is not something that you can do overnight. Realistically, this might be something that you will be doing for several weeks and months. The whole point of physical therapy is to naturally build up your body’s strength and promote its natural means of healing without surgery. 2. Be Patient with Your Physical Therapist Your physical therapist will have years of background experience and is likely very good at what they do. However, they will probably need to ask lots of questions, check-in with you a lot, and so on. Know that there will be times where you just will need ...

Chronic Pain Conditions that Can Benefit from Stem Cell Therapy

If you have chronic pain, one of the treatments that you might be considering is stem cell therapy. This form of treatment has come a long way since it was first discovered. Today, it is one of the common forms of treatment for chronic pain. Let’s go ahead and break down some of the common instances where you might choose to pursue stem cell therapy. 1. For Back Pain One of the reasons to see a back pain doctor Edgewater NJ is because you have back pain that doesn’t quite seem to go away. Depending on the nature and source of your back pain, this may or may not be a good choice. For this reason, you should consult with a pain doctor first about whether or not this is a good option. 2. Knee Pain If you need knee pain treatment Bordentown NJ , then stem cell treatment might be one of the ideas that are presented to you. This type of pain can be very difficult to deal with since it impacts almost any sort of daily activity that you will do. Stem cell therapy has helped ma...

How Chronic Pain Impacts Your Social Life

If you are considering seeing a pain management doctor Raritan NJ then you might have chronic pain that is impacting your social life. If this is the case, then there has not been a better time to start to get your pain under control. Let’s take a look at how chronic pain can impact your social life. 1. You Go Out Less When people come into our pain clinic Raritan NJ , one of the complaints that they will have is that they are going out and seeing their friends a lot less than they did previously. This is normal since you are probably more concerned with nursing your pain than being social. 2. Your Thoughts Aren’t as Positive It is very common for those with chronic pain to constantly be thinking about their pain. When this occurs, you will naturally be focusing your thoughts away from less positive things. If you didn’t have chronic pain in the first place you could then focus your attention on better things. 3. You Need Help from Others Those with severe forms ...

Simple Tips for Keeping Mental Health with Chronic Pain

People trying to find pain intervention doctor Bordentown NJ often will need to take care of their mental health to best treat their chronic pain. However, there are also certain techniques that you can use for keeping our mental strength during these times. 1. Try Meditation Meditation is a great way to learn how to control your thoughts. It has also been demonstrated to make the intensity of pain subside for certain patients. Meditation works essentially by reducing your level of stress, that in turn, can make your overall level of pain much more bearable. This is also a great hobby to get in the practice for the future to help you control stress and anxiety. 2. Practice Yoga Yoga is a great way to both do meditation and treatment in one swipe. Yoga has also been demonstrated to help with chronic pain conditions like scoliosis. If you have chronic back pain, then, this is a great idea to consider. 3. Distract Yourself During Pain Breakouts If you have a huge pain ...